Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis & Performance Diagnostics

Exercise is life – It is with this maxim in mind that we want to pamper and support our guests in the Hohe Salve Sport Resort with all the resources we have. These days a lack of exercise is one of the biggest problems our modern society faces. Physical and mental fitness are often not paid much attention, with optimum, individual equilibrium remaining for the most part undiscovered.
Here in the Sport Resort, working with our guests, we seek to find the right balance between exercise and relaxation. Via:
- a state-of-the-art infrastructure in the Move & Relax area
- services which are individually tailored to suit the guest
- an understanding of a wide range of requirements
- the professionalism of all our staff
- highly qualified experts in the areas of Sports Science / Wellness / Fitness / Nutrition / Beauty
The focus of the Move & Relax concept is on performance diagnostics, using bio-electrical impedance analysis, along with spiroergometry. This is carried out in our 1400m² Move & Relax area along with trained sports scientists. These measurements are suitable for any age group and for any fitness level. Our goal is to optimise individual performance and regeneration - which is often neglected - and to enhance your immune system. You enjoy fantastic experiences and impressions, giving you a greater understanding of your own body, and you get to take all this knowledge back home with you.
Your individual health check with our Move & Relax experts
Everyone is welcome here in Sport Resort – whether they are a guest staying in the hotel or a day visitor. The sporting opportunities available in the Move Area are huge. We focus on your health and on improving it. The emphasis is on individual checks and the parameters these yield, with exercise, regeneration and nutrition being linked up.
Toni Innauer is the head of the concept. The former Austrian ski jumper and ski jump trainer has developed the strategy together with the hotel management team.
'Here in Sport Resort we work together with guests to find the right balance between exercise and recovery – through a state-of-the-art infrastructure, an understanding of a wide range of needs, and with our highly qualified experts.
I am particularly delighted to be a part of this innovative hotel concept, after all, the Move & Relax theme relates to many of the experiences I have had in my own professional and private life. Exercise is definitely a very significant aspect of my life.'
- Toni Innauer, Austrian Olympic ski jumping champion and former Nordic Sports Director at ÖSV [Austrian ski association]
In Patrick Koller – Manager of the Move & Relax area – we have found a 'local hero'. As a sports scientist and Olympic starter in the ski cross event, he brings with him the best pre-requisites to implement the concept.
'With our Move & Relax concept, we have made it our goal to enhance your health during your stay, through exercise, regeneration and nutrition. Our common vision is to enable people to enjoy a longer and healthier life. With our infrastructure and our staff, we seek to be among the best health concepts in the Alpine area.
We put together a bespoke programme for you, based on a variety of highly professional services. The aim is to generate renewed energy for your daily life. As a former top-class athlete, for many years I pursued a strict training regimen; on the one hand to be able to compete with the world's elite and on the other, to prevent injuries and setbacks. I now want to pass on my knowledge to our guests.'
- Patrick Koller, Manager of the Move & Relax area, former Austrian professional ski crosser & Olympic participant
Our anamnesis tools & health parameters
The anamnesis tools we use in Hohe Salve Sport Resort to measure your health parameters are varied and well thought-out. For instance you will receive details about your heart rate, your performance capacity and your metabolism. These analysis parameters will be explained in a personal consultation with our sports scientists. We devise a training plan with you and define your personal goals.
Analysis is made by asking the following questions:
- What training plans really are achievable?
- How can training be integrated in your daily life?
- When and how can goals be realised?
- How can I get the maximum out of myself and exercise in a way that is healthy?
Training in our Move area is unique and reliable:
- Personal and individual
- Analytical and high quality
- Economic and time-saving
Sports medicine performance diagnostics
The highlight of the various options available during your health check is performance diagnostics. Using spiroergometry and bio-electrical impedance analysis, relevant parameters for your own personal health and fitness level are determined. Participants have their physical exercise capacity analysed. This forms the basis for the next stages in your training and for your long-term success.
BIA – Bio-electrical impedance analysis
Bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) is one of our most sought-after anamnesis tools. Body composition can be measured using BIA. This method is scientifically recognised and is used to determine body water, muscle mass and fat content. Unlike traditional body weighing scales, BIA helps determine whether weight is muscle mass or fat tissue. Bio-electrical impedance analysis does not just ascertain your current status, it can also be used to measure success.
How does bio-electrical impedance analysis work?
- Two electrodes - one attached to the back of your hand, the other to the bridge of your foot – generate an electric power field.
- To take the measurement, a weak current of electricity flows through your body – this is not something you will feel.
- Different tissues in the body conduct electricity to varying degrees. Body water which contains electrolytes, conducts electricity particularly well. Body fat has an insulating effect.
- This makes it possible for fat mass and water to be determined.
- The results are then recorded in graphics and colour as part of a measurement log.
- Our experts show you how to correctly interpret the results and how these can be incorporated into your training plan.
Spiroergometry is one of the diagnostic procedures which we offer in our Move area. The term comes from:
- Spiro = Breathing
- Ergo = Work
- Metrie = Measurement
By measuring breathing during physical exertion, your body's response is scrutinised using different parameters qualitatively and quantitatively. This includes:
- the heart
- the circulation
- breathing
- and metabolism
Spiroergometry provides an insight into breathing rate, circulation and energy metabolism – in real time. Even during the stress test, readings with information about energy metabolism, heart performance, lungs and muscles can be read 'live' on the screen. With the help of spiroergometry, exact details can be determined with regard to when you are training in a zone where fat is being metabolised and what effort you need to improve oxygen uptake, and therefore enhance your maximum performance ability. This method is both objective and reliable, and is already used as standard in top-level sport.
Using this data, our sports scientists at the Resort can precisely analyse your individual performance capacity. This then opens up perfect conditions for developing a suitable training plan.
How does spiroergometry work?
- Physical performance ability is measured by exercising on the bike or on the treadmill.
- Using a mask, respiratory gases are collected and measured in real time using sensors.
- With the help of computer software, this data is analysed and clearly presented.
- With each breath, spiroergometry reveals the level of physical effort at which you burn body fat and/or sugars, to produce energy.
- The test begins with easy pedalling or running.
- Effort and intensity rise steadily.
- The test is completed when you reach a level of subjective exhaustion.

Exercise, regeneration and nutrition.
Consultation and performance diagnostics are offered. Working with the guest, we consider quality of life & well-being - optimising them step by step. The key is having an awareness of your own body and paying attention to what it is telling you.
A certain amount of physical and mental energy is required within our frequently performance-driven society. Whether it is in our profession life, during sports, or in our private lives. We want to make sure that all our guests take away a long-lasting awareness of their health away with them after their time in Hohe Salve Sport Resort.
After exercise, individual regeneration plays an important role. Body and mind should always be at a point where you feel great.
Our guests also ought to gain new energy through the right nutrition. After all, anyone who exercises also needs to replenish their energy stores and have good reserves, and this comes from food. Our Move & Relax Energy meals emphasise nourishing and high quality ingredients. Starting with breakfast, our guests have a variety of options available to enjoy a conscious and healthy start to their day. For their evening meal, our guests who have an interest in working out are offered a bespoke Move & Relax menu.
Region for sporty challenges & equilibrium
The Hohe Salve Sport Resort provides the best conditions for a sports-oriented holiday in the picturesque mountains in Brixental. Cable cars are available right on the hotel doorstep and these take you conveniently into the impressive natural surroundings. The region around Hopfgarten provides countless incentives to relax and enjoy life. Whether it is during a guided mountain bike tour, on a skiing holiday or during a hike across the summits of the Kitzbühel Alps.
What is bio-impedance analysis?
Our qualified sports scientists at Hohe Salve Sport Resort can determine your body composition using bio-electrical impedance analysis and can then provide optimal advice. Using real-time results, we show you how to bring exercise, nutrition and regeneration into your daily life.
BIA measurement enables measurement of different parameters:
- Body fat
- Fat-free mass
- Metabolically active body cell mass
- Extracellular mass
- Overall body water
- Proportion of extra and intracellular water
- Nutrition Index
- Resting energy need
- Overall energy need
How long does performance diagnostics session in the Sport Resort take?
- 1 Bioelectrical impedance analysis: 45 mins
- 1 Spiroergometry: approx. 90 mins
What is spiroergometry?
Using spiroergometry we test your physiological parameters and determine your performance capability on the bike ergometer or on the treadmill. You complete a specifically devised step test and receive a detailed breakdown of the results. These results are then assessed afterwards in a consultation session with one of our sports scientists and a bespoke training plan is devised for you.
What does a performance diagnostics session cost?
Performance diagnostics provide an insight into your current health status and the opportunity to keep fit in the long-term You also receive a bespoke training plan.
- BIA: € 49.-
- Spiroergometry: € 159.-
Our Move offers
Was ist eine Bioimpedanzanalyse?
Mittels bioelektrischer Impedanzanalyse können unsere ausgebildeten Sportwissenschaftler vom Das Hohe Salve Sportresort Ihre Körperzusammensetzung ermitteln und Sie so optimal beraten. Wir zeigen Ihnen anhand der Echtzeit-Ergebnisse, wie Sie Bewegung, Ernährung und Regeneration in Ihrem Alltag implementieren.
Mit der BIA-Messung lassen sich unterschiedliche Parameter messen:
- Körperfett
- fettfreie Masse
- stoffwechselaktive Körperzellmasse
- extrazelluläre Masse
- Gesamtkörperwasser
- Anteil extra- und intrazelluläres Wasser
- Ernährungsindex
- Ruheenergiebedarf
- Gesamtenergiebedarf
Wie lange dauert die Leistungsdiagnostik im Sportresort?
- 1 Bioelektrische Impedanzanalyse: 45 min
- 1 Spiroergometrie am Fahrradergometer: ca. 90 min
Was ist Spiroergometrie?
Mittels Spiroergometrie testen wir Ihre physiologischen Parameter und bestimmen Ihre Leistungsfähigkeit am Fahrradergometer. Sie absolvieren ein individuell abgestimmtes Stufenprotokoll und erhalten eine detaillierte Ergebnisdarstellung. Im nachfolgenden Beratungsgespräch mit einem unserer Sportwissenschaftler werden Ihre Ergebnisse ausgewertet und Ihr persönlicher Trainingsplan erstellt.
Was kostet eine Leistungsdiagnostik?
Die Leistungsdiagnostik bietet einen Einblick in Ihre aktuellen Gesundheitswerte und bietet die Möglichkeit, langfristig fit zu sein und einen individuellen Trainingsplan zu erhalten.
- BIA: 49,-
- Spiroergometrie: 159,-